Mission Statement
The overall purpose of KPTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children within Kendall community.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Kendall Parent Teacher Association (hereinafter referred to as “KPTA” or Kendall PTA”).
Article II: Purpose and Role
Kendall PTA exists to foster and enhance communication between parents, teachers, staff and administrators;
to provide a forum for discussing and promoting the welfare of a child within Kendall and the community:
to represent and advocate child-related concerns within the Kendall community;
to serve as a resource for inquires and requests;
to build a community network and to bring the Kendall community together.
Article III: Membership
The members of KPTA shall consist of Kendall teachers, staff and administrators and parents/family members/guardians of current Kendall student(s).
Annual dues shall be established by the members during the Fall general meeting for the following year.
Article IV: Officers, Council of Representatives and Duties
Designation of Officers. The Officers of Kendall PTA shall be:
Member Representatives (6)
Parent at-large Representatives
Staff/Teacher/Administrators Representatives
If an officer resigns or cannot otherwise continue to serve as an officer for any reason prior to the end of the applicable term of service, the President will call for an election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the member’s term in accordance to the Election Guidelines.
The President and Secretary shall be elected on odd-numbered years;
The Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected on even-numbered years; and
Duties of Officers: Refer to Officers Manual Guideline
Removal from office:
An officer or board member may be removed from office by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the executive board, for failure to perform duties, criminal misconduct or unethical behavior in KPTA business;
A chairperson may be removed from office by a majority vote of the executive board, for failure to perform duties, criminal misconduct or unethical behavior in KPTA business;
An officer or chairperson who misses three (3) consecutive meetings may be removed from office.
Article VI: Elections
Officers shall be elected in the last General meeting of the academic year. The vote shall be conducted at the meeting by the show of hands.
In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall become President and shall hold office for the balance of the term;
The vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer shall be filled by the KPTA Executive Board. The vote will be conducted by the show of hands.
Article VI: Meetings
there are two different regular meetings of the KPTA:
General Meetings
General Meetings shall meet at least three (3) times a year during academic year.
In order for General Meetings to proceed, a quorum of at least 15 members in attendance.
Board Meetings
The Board meeting shall meet at least five (5) times during Kendall academic year.
At least two (2) weeks before first General Meeting of Kendall academic year GUIDELINE
Within two (2) weeks before the final General Meeting of Kendall academic year
In order for the Board meetings to proceed, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the representatives in attendance;
Special Meeting
May be called by the President, upon three (3) days notice to each member of the KPTA Board meeting via email.
Reason for such meeting shall be given and specified.
Electronic Meetings
During any meeting of the Executive Board, the Executive Committee, or any standing or ad hoc committee may be held in person, via electronic means, or by a combination of in-person and electronic means. All participating members must be able to see each other at all times.
The president, acting president or chair may call the meeting after a quorum is established at the beginning of the meeting and remain present throughout the meeting granted that the majority or fifty-one percent (51%) of members of the committee are presented live electronically. If a member lose feed and the quorum is not met, the meeting is automatically put on a pause until the member comes back and the quorum is re-established.
Each member can sign out the motion visibly or type in the motion, but the text made by a member does not substitute visible presence. Each member can raise a hand or show a hand if he or she wants a turn to talk. If any member has trouble following conversation, this member can sign “time-out” and other members can explain or update this member.
Vote is conducted by a show of hands visibly online.
Article VII: KPTA Committees
To conduct its business effectively and efficiently, the KPTA may have as many committees as necessary.
The President may form ad hoc committees by a two-thirds majority vote at any meeting;
The Appointed Representatives for these committees shall submit a report to the Secretary two (2) business days prior the KPTA General Meeting. Their reports shall become part of the official minutes.
Article VIII: Standing Committees of the KPTA
The following are standing committees of the KPTA.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE: This committee
AUDITING COMMITTEE: This committee is responsible for reviewing financial transactions of the organization.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: This committee shall be responsible for planning and executing fundraising events
EVENTS COMMITTEE: This committee shall be responsible for planning and executing social events
All Standing Committees shall report to the President
The Vice-President shall serve as ex-officio members for all standing committees;
The Treasurer shall serve as chair for Finance Committee.
The Committee Chairs shall serve a term that is concurrent with the KPTA President
A majority of committee members shall serve as a quorum for meetings;
Each standing committee shall elect its own chair except for the Finance Committee.
Article IX: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any general meeting of KPTA by two-thirds (2/3) vote provided that the following requirements shall first have been complied with in the following order:
The amendments shall have been approved by the KPTA Executive Board:
Amendments shall have been made available at least fourteen (14) days prior to the general meeting.
Article X: Parliamentary Authority
Except where otherwise provided for by the KPTA Bylaws, the most recent version of Robert Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be followed.
Provisos Relating to Transition
As we approve this Bylaws with an understanding that both Treasurer and Vice-President will continue to serve one more year to the end of their terms before opening an election for these officers.
(Will be published in separate document, but it is here for public notice)
Officers Manual Guideline
The Officers Manual Guidelines will remain as a guiding document subject to changes and modifications by the KPTA members during regular General Staff meetings. It is for these reasons that the Officers Manual Guidelines are not part of the KPTA Bylaws.
Officers shall be elected in the last General meeting of the academic year. The vote shall be conducted at the meeting by the show of hands.
External spokesperson
Presides over meetings
Calls for special meetings
Post announcements on social media
Approves event budgets along with the treasurer and event plans
Vice President:
Oversees all committees
Takes over for president as needed
Find event chairpersons and have them be appointed by the Executive Committee
Membership drives
Monitors KPTA correspondence
Shares meeting minutes/agenda
Updates Membership drive
Records meeting minutes
Translate forms/letters
Communicates with Kendall PR Team
Manages financial data
Advises on financial issues
Approves event budgets along with the President
Files Tax reports
Works with Fundraising chairperson
Work with identified Standing committee members
Identify and vote on committee chair
Committee Chairs:
Communicates with Vice-President
Submit a written report to Secretary
Review with Treasurer on financial expectation